The path is surrounded by mysticism.
As we walk along it we see the Ceibas, witnesses of the birth and death of ancient civilizations, the powerful and sacred jaguar, white-tailed deer, iguanas, snakes, butterflies with turquoise wings, the Toh bird nests in the walls of the cave entrances.
The path formed over millions of years makes time seem to disappear.
Below there are kilometers of passages, tunnels and semi-flooded caves that have remained silent, deciding to speak to whoever listens to them.
A treasure is hidden between the water and the rock cracks that covers the environment.
Hidden mysteries, stalactites and stalagmites that, drop by drop, sculpt legends in stone.
The sound of the riverbed becomes magic.
You can hear the voice of the walls that surround us and the formations that adorn us, you can hear the murmur of the voice of the beings that inhabit and once inhabited here, where once tiny beings and prehistoric giants met.
Each drop that falls, full of light, full of life, joins millions that have been passing through the ceiling, the vaults, the floors.
The drip is the heartbeat of the mayan underworld, it is only heard in silence, breathe, the cave does too, united in a collective breath intention.
In each point where you place your gaze there is a treasure.
Observe with each of your senses, to allow all the blessings, the protection, and the synergy of nature to permeate you.
Come, enter into the very essence of existence.
Whoever enters here, emerges transformed, you will never be the same, you will understand that time has disappeared and you are part of eternity.
You are me, I am you.
- Otto von Bertrab